Saturday, March 31, 2007

2nd post MUAHAHAHAHA... Sad la.. but im still smilling

Its 5 o'clock in the morning & i just got home from a.c.. to much foosball these days alrdy.. shyt.. today Kt went to get the tickets for speedzone & he said its gonna end at 1.. shyt~.. waste of RM20.. but there is still YOJI BIOMEHANIKA.. should be good.. left home today at about 5 something.. went to mentari to look for IHM.. some insurans shit coz mommy ask to.. reach there the jibai shop close.. wadafark.. i forgot it was a farking saturday.. fark.. then called Ch up & he told me he was at 18 padang bawah with Lau & Ben.. so went over there & go yum cha at tanjung 14.. RAIN DOG SHIT when we were at tanjung.. talk cock talk cock.. then everybody balik.. i went to a.c kasi training.. i like semakin shit like that in foosball man.. farker really have to find my stance.. then play play play.. Jon orange came with the gf & gf punya kawan.. i forgot her name.. think its Aubrey or something like that la.. then continue to play.. boring la today.. no fun thing to do except stone at a.c play foosball.. shyt~.. then about 12 something called Ronny & ask wheter is he coming out anot.. then he say he will be on the way now.. tak sampai 5 minutes he call back & tell me his car missing.. so go fetch him & went back to a.c.. then after all the foosing, went to eat wantan mee.. sienz..
owh well like that alrdy 1 day.. shyt~..

- goin to sleep -

Sunday, March 4, 2007

WOW I FINALLY HAVE A BLOG.. (last one din't work out ask planned)

Well my first post... im still new in this shit so pls dont blame me for bein a newb... u kno im a dino at this kind of things... but i see abel & ronny make this thing call a blog look so fun so im giving it a try la... im willing to try anything when im bored... Me no like boring... owh well at least now i have something to do & another place to torment people's live's bsides all the other shit i have tried... well thats about it for the first post... sorry la not much of a talker la today... moody... SHYT~